Blizzard has released Patch 2.7.3 on live servers ahead of Season 26 release on April 15.
- Sommario
- New Season Theme
- Seasonal Cosmetic Rewards
- Season Journey Rewards
- Seasonal Conquests
- Haedrig’s Gift
- note patch.
- Le stagioni
- Greater Rift Aggiornamenti
- Elementi
- Bug Fixes | 2.7.3
- Barbarian
- Crusader
- Monk
- Sommario:
Season 26 is going live on April 15, at 5 PM (PDT/CEST/KST). Here are the official patch notes and a preview of the latest Season.
Season 26 will begin on April 15, at 5PM (PDT/CEST/KST) shortly after our next Diablo III update. Read on to learn more about the season theme and balance changes coming in Patch 2.7.3. We are expecting this update to be released on April 12.
- Season Theme
- Season Cosmetic Rewards
- Season Journey Rewards
- Season Conquests
- Haedrig's Gifts
- Patch Notes
- Le stagioni
- Greater Rift Updates
- Elementi
- Bug Fixes
New Season Theme
The souls of heroes defeated in the eternal struggle against evil call for aid! Astute Nephalem will listen to the petrified screams of the dead, and find themselves attuned to the last agonizing moments of the departed. Will these Nephalem heed the whispers of atonement of fallen heroes and survive their echoing nightmare? Or will they be forever trapped, becoming just another fallen Nephalem? Solo il tempo lo dirà...
In Season 26, we introduce the Echoing Nightmare. This is our first Seasonal Theme that introduces a new activity to the game. In the Echoing Nightmare, players will experience an intense, densely packed, increasingly challenging event that stretches their ability to stay in the fight as long as possible. We found inspiration in Orek's warning, "Many Nephalem have stood where you are now, but few succeeded in overcoming the trials." The Echoing Nightmare explores what happened to those Nephalem who did not succeed.
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Seasonal Cosmetic Rewards
Beginning with Season 17, we began reintroducing previous rewards to make them available to players who may have missed them the first time around. For Season 26, this means awards originally available from Season 14 are returning. In addition to the Boots and Pants slots of the exclusive Conqueror Set, a series of portrait frames themed around the enigmatic Tal Rasha will be available. For the nephalem hero who wants to embody the spirit of Justice, a pennant dedicated to everyone’s favorite archangel will also be available. Just remember—you cannot judge Justice itself!
However, we know it’s nice to have something new to aim for if you’ve participated in previous Seasons. We’re continuing to provide new End of Journey rewards as introduced in Season 17, with two new cosmetic ones for those who complete the entirety of the Season journey. Endure The Fall of the Nephalem and complete the Season 26 Guardian Journey to earn the Rakkis’ Remembrance portrait and the Toothsome Trooper pet.
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Season Journey Rewards
If you’ve been playing the past few Seasons diligently and reached Conqueror in the Season Journey each time, you’ve accrued a few extra stash tabs. Players who have not yet earned a total of five stash tabs via the Season Journey can still unlock an additional one by completing the following tasks at the Conqueror tier:
- Complete a level 70 Torment XIII Rift in under 5 minutes
- Complete Greater Rift 60 solo
- Kill Greed on Torment XIII
- Kill the Butcher at level 70 in Torment XIII in under 30 seconds
- Reforge a Legendary or Set item
- Augment an Ancient item with a Level 50 or greater Legendary Gem
- Level three Legendary Gems to 55
- Complete two Conquests
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Seasonal Conquests
Speaking of Conquests, we’re rotating those, too! Returning for the Season of Greed is Avarice and Avarita, where every gold piece you find will count! Speed Demon and Need for Speed will ask you to kick it into full gear in your Nephalem Rift runs. On a Good Day and I Can’t Stop will congratulate high ranking Legendary Gems. Finally, for the solo crowd, Divinity and Lionhearted will ask you to climb Greater Rift heights by your lonesome, while Years of War and Dynasty challenge your game mastery of at least six classes.
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Haedrig’s Gift
Finally, just as before, you’ll get a shiny new Class Set courtesy of Haedrig’s Gift for completing certain chapters in the Season Journey. We’ve listed the available Sets below. For those new to Seasons, here’s how it works:
Completing Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the Season Journey will reward you with three Haedrig’s Gifts. Each Gift contains a few pieces from one of your Class Sets. Players can only unlock one Class Set in this manner per Season across Hardcore and Non-Hardcore, so choose wisely!
The set you will receive depends on the Class of the character you’re playing when you open each Haedrig’s Gift. To collect a full Class Set, you’ll need to open all three on the same character.
Here are the sets granted by Haedrig’s Gift in Season 26:
- Barbaro - L'eredità di Raekor
- Crociata - Armatura di Akkhan
- Cacciatore Demone - Forma di realizzazione del Marauder
- Negromancer - Sindone del Master di Pestilence
- Witch Doctor - Haunt di Zunimassa
- Wizard - Magnum Opus di Delsère
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note patch.
Sotto troverai le note della patch per il prossimo aggiornamento per Diablo III, Patch 2.7.3
- Le stagioni
- Greater Rift Aggiornamenti
- Elementi
- Correzioni di bug e aggiornamenti MISC
_ Nota: _ _Tutti le modifiche si applicano a tutte le versioni di Diablo III, inclusa PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, switch Nintendo e PC se non diversamente indicato.
_ 2.7.3 Aggiornamento: _ XBOX Series X | s Risoluzione è stata aggiornata. Xbox Series X ora funziona alla risoluzione Vera risoluzione 4K e alla serie Xbox Series su True 1080p.
Le stagioni
Season 26 Introduce il Echoing Nightmare , una sfida facoltativa e gratificante del gioco finale in cui i giocatori combattono all'interno dei ricordi del Nefalema che cadde in una maggiore spaccatura. Il Nefalema di oggi deve sopportare il terreno finché non sono inevitabilmente sopraffatti o sconfitti. I giocatori devono raccogliere un grido pietrificato Dal sconfitto i Guardi Guardian Guardiani per ottenere l'ingresso all'ecquisto incubo. Trasmutazione di un urlo pietrificato nel cubo di Kanai convoca un portale che i giocatori possono entrare per affrontare gli orrori del passato del Nefalema.
Dettagli del tema della stagione:
- I urla pietrificati e l'incubo ecoing possono essere accessibili solo con caratteri stagionali.
- È richiesto un solo giocatore per trasmutare un urlo petrificato per aprire un incubo echoing in un gioco multiplayer.
- Simile a un incontro Boss, tutti i giocatori in un gioco multiplayer devono accettare un prompt per entrare.
- Mentre all'interno di un incubo echoing, la difficoltà scale come i giocatori progrediscono nell'incontro. I giocatori possono progredire più velocemente sconfiggendo rapidamente i mostri.
- I giocatori ricevono i seguenti premi al completamento di un incubo ecoing: EXP, articoli leggendari, frammenti sanguigni, gemme e una nuova gemma leggendaria, sussurro di espiazione .
- Il sussurro di espiazione è un gioiello leggendario usato esclusivamente per aumentare gli antichi articoli leggendari. Gocce pre-classificata in base alla performance del giocatore nell'ecquisto incubo.
- I mostri rari ora si generano in un incubo echoing.
- Le meteore cadono ora dal cielo.
- Le macchine infernali appaiono ora, che spawn torrenti di lunatica esplosiva.
- Rift Guardiani ora spawn.
- Aumentato la frequenza di cui i mostri spawn.
- Aggiornato l'esplosione dell'ombra clone per riflettere meglio l'area di effetto.
- Il timer di uscita è stato aumentato a 60 secondi.
- Aumentato il possibile rango un sussurro di espiazione può far cadere a 125 in base al livello completato.
- I mostri in incubi echoing non possono più essere congelati, storditi, radicati o abbattuti.
- Risolto un bug che ha causato i santuari del condotto per infliggere meno danni del previsto.
Nuovi aggiornamenti (post-PTR)
- I mostri degli incubi echoing non gocciscono più oro, oggetti o globi di salute.
- Rettificato il danno fatto esplodendo le lunatiche e le meteore per essere più mortali.
- Regolare la meteora e il danno fuso lunatico caduto per essere fisico.
- Realizzato la difficoltà di Tiers 100+.
- Sostituito il pilone dello scudo con un pilone di velocità.
- Realizzato l'EXP premiata dagli incubi echoing per essere allineati con maggiori ricompense di rifatti.
- Ha ridotto il timer di chiusura incubo echoing a 30 secondi.
- Preventato Echoing Nightmares di essere aperto nei giochi inferiori al livello 70.
- Realizzato il tasso di caduta di urla pietrificati da Greater Rift Guardiani.
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Greater Rift Aggiornamenti
Volevamo migliorare la maggiore esperienza di Rift attraverso la qualità degli aggiornamenti sulla vita, il bilanciamento dei cambiamenti e la rivolta del feedback della comunità. Abbiamo recencinato tutte le mappe e i mostri che appaiono in maggiori fucili e rielaborato le probabilità nel complesso per assicurarsi che i giocatori trascorricassi più tempo con i contenuti che si divertono. Meno spaghetti e più polli!
Sogno di Orek: I crediti più grandi hanno una piccola possibilità di rotolare come il sogno di Orek. Questi fucili da sogno hanno un elenco curato di mappe e composizioni di mostri.
- 3 maps have been added and 2 maps have been removed from the Greater Rift pool.
- Added: Fields of Misery, Desolate Sands and Briarthorn Cemetery
- Removed: Sewers of Caldeum, and Hidden Aqueducts
- The probability of Greater Rift maps has been adjusted.
- The probability of monster groups has been adjusted.
- The following monsters have been adjusted to grant more progression and EXP within Greater Rifts.
- Blazing Guardians
- Smoldering Guardians
- Frost Guardian
- Noxious Guardian
- Shock Guardian
- Blood Clan Spearman
* Dark Moon Clan Impaler
* Moon Clan Impaler
* Blood Clan Impaler
* Ice Clan Impaler
* Hell Witch
* Vile Temptress
* Players can speak to Orek to close an active Greater Rift. This option is only available when in a single player game.
* Further increased the progression granted by some monsters in Greater Rifts.
* Additionally, increased the progression granted by Fallen Shaman, Fallen Conjurer, Fallen Prophet and Fallen Firemage.
* Updated visual effects upon entering an Orek's Dream.
* Updated the Orek's Dream vignette to be more pronounced.
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- Legacy of Raekor (4-piece Bonus): Furious Charge gains the effect of every rune and deals 1000% increased damage. For every 1% Life you are missing, the damage of your Ancient Spear is increased by 2%.
- Legacy of Raekor (6-piece Bonus): Hitting enemies with Furious Charge or Weapon Throw increases the damage of your next Ancient Spear by 5500% and causes it to release multiple spears from its target. This effect stacks and each spear throw consumes a maximum of 5 stacks.
- Arreat's Law: Weapon Throw and Ancient Spear deal 150-200% increased damage.
- Weapon Throw generates up to ~~25~~ 50 additional Fury based on the distance of the enemy hit. The generated Fury can go above the maximum cap by 200 Fury.
- Ancient Spear refunds up to ~~25~~ 50 Fury based on the distance of the enemy hit and resets your Fury cap to its base maximum.
- The Three Hundredth Spear: Increase the damage of Weapon Throw and Ancient Spear by 150-200%. The attack speed of Weapon Throw is increased by 200%.
- Skular's Salvation: Increase the damage of Ancient Spear by 150-200%. If your Ancient Spear - Boulder Toss hits 5 or fewer enemies, the damage is increased by 100%.
Developer's Note: We've added additional Weapon Throw buffs to give players more build options when playing the reworked Legacy of Raekor set. We've also updated Arreat's Law to allow players to reach new levels of Fury.
Developer's Note: We reworked Raekor’s Legacy to give the set its own identity. It felt natural to the team to infuse the charging fantasy of Raekor’s Legacy with the Barbarian’s ranged skills.
- Thorns of the Invoker: The attack speed of Punish and Slash are increased by 100% and deal 67,500% of your Thorns damage.
- Norvald's Fervor: Gain 200% increased damage while using Steed Charge and for 5 seconds after it ends.
Developer's Note: Norvald's Fervor is overperforming across multiple sets. We want to bring its power down, but we are Increasing the utility of Thorns of the Invoker to compensate.
- All Mystic Allies spawned by Inna's Mantra 6-piece bonus now have their duration refreshed with each attack.
- Mystic Ally - Fire Ally: Mini allies now have Passability.
- Mystic Ally - Earth Ally:
- Earth Ally boulders speed has been increased. Boulders always leash to the player regardless of how many monsters are on screen.
- Prevented Earth Ally boulders from being slowed by missile dampening.
Developer's Note: We've made improvements to Mystic Ally that should make the skill feel more fluid and less clunky at times.
- Bindings of the Lesser Gods: Enemies hit by your Cyclone Strike take 150%-200% more damage from your Mystic Ally for 5 seconds.
Developer's Note: We're happy with the gameplay of Inna's Mantra Monks, but the Fire build is overperforming, so we removed the Fire Ally bonus from the Bindings of the Lesser Gods.
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Bug Fixes | 2.7.3
- Prevented players from changing difficulty while an Echoing Nightmare is active.
- Fixed a bug where Boon of the Hoarder allowed gold to drop in Echoing Nightmares.
- Fixed a bug where Orek's Dream vignette sometimes goes away on Shrouded Moors and Festering Woods when entering anything other than level 1.
- Fixed a bug that caused Orek's Dream opening VFX to display inconsistently.
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